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Personal Idea, Action

NBA Future Analytics Stars Program - Unsuccessful Application

Oh well
It didn't go well

There were 5,000+ Applicants for this specific program
At some point through the applicaiton, I knew that I am a bit(?) off from whom the program was looking for
One of the main targets of the program seems to be the ones who are expected to graduate from their universities

Still, it is a meaningful application for me as, apart from building up my career or personal investment, I gave it a shot for something I truly and genuinely have passion for

Moreover, the link attached to this reply guided me to organization chart of NBA
(Possibly, it can be a good candidate for my other blog postings)

I could see much needs from NBA on developers and marketers 
There were only two job posting on basketball operations (One of which is based in Senegal; A bit far from where I live in right now)

Will still be tuned in for other opportunites like these :)

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NBA Future Analytics Stars Program 지원  (1) 2023.11.14